Client Bulk Upload

  • OCRDESK knows adding 10 client manually is easy but if you are adding 100+ clients manually then it is very irritating and time consuming task, time is very important for every one, so taking this point in mind OCR Desk provides “Client Bulk” upload mechanism here you can add 1000+ clients in single click.

    What have to do for bulk upload:

    • Step1

      Prepare a CSV or XLSX file with columns: Title, Client Name, Phone, Mobile, Email ID(Mandatory), Address.

    • Step2

      Add data in excel with respect the columns.

    • Step3

      Now go to Client Master.

    • Step4

      Click on Bulk Upload button.

    • Step5

      Select your branch.

    • Step6

      Browse your file from local driver and select it.

    • Step7

      Now click on “Upload” button.

    • Step8

      Map each drop down with respect excel column heading.

    • Step9

      Now finally click on “Final Save” button.

    Finally you fill relaxed because If you've done it manually, so it definitely makes you frustrated.
